• The project’s products are only available to gift cardholders, gift card supermarket Kkolias.
  • For every purchase of €1, the cardholder will be credited with 1 point. The receipt of funding machine will show the points earned every time and the total marks held by the client until that time.
  • To earn points for the customer purchases, you must present the gift card to the cashier at time of payment or to declare the phone number.
  • All points of the draft gift card not redeemed at the end of the project moved to the next draft of the gift card.
  • You may not exchange or transfer points from the card account, a person’s card account to another person.
  • The presentation of the gift card with the ID card is required when redeeming points.
  • No points are earned on rough sales, on purchases of cigarettes, cylinder gas and phone cards, products 1 +1 free and products included in the 3-day and 6-day promotions.
  • The supermarket Kkolias is not responsible for any errors or omissions.